Topic: Hosting
The dedicated server is defined as a one node or one computer in a network that is used only for the purpose of serving other nodes. The windows dedicated servers are not useful in case of the websites having high traffic and or more number of websites. But the linux dedicated server is just alternative to the windows dedicated servers .it is especially used for the websites having high traffic and which is having multiple of websites. The companies which need full control over their websites generally go for the Linux dedicated servers. Basically there are two types of dedicated servers first one is of managed dedicated servers in which the internet service provider is responsible for all the maintenance and the backup it needs to carry out and also to run the server. And the unmanaged dedicated servers is the one in which the client wants to take all the responsibility for themselves like maintenance and running the server. Linux is supported by the major corporations like dell, sun micro systems, IBM, oracle. The major advantage of the linux is that their source code is available.
The linux dedicated server is very efficient and only costs reasonably. And the other main advantage of using linux dedicated server is for it’s easy to handle way. The only closest competitor to the linux dedicated server is the Microsoft based windows dedicated servers. These are two are dominating in the dedicated server market. Another advantage of the linux is that no genuine license is needed for it, but in case of the windows it is needed. We can have a full access to the linux but in case of the windows we have partial access since we can’t able to reveal its source code. Another thing for the Linux is that it can operate much longer time than any other server. And its trustworthy brand name Linux is much more popular.
The challenging part of linux dedicated servers is its installation part. Linux has been the operating system of choice for the server configuration. So here the steps to install the dedicated Linux servers.
First of all obtain a static ip address and a dynamic DNS service. Then the second thing is that register for a domain name .make your domain name as an easy one so that every one van easily remember it. Then the third part is to choose a version of Linux like ubuntu, fedora. Each version differs from other by some mean. Then install your version of Linux. Install server software what software you are going to use depends on your need of the server. Then setup the firewall. Thus the installation of dedicated linux server is over. Dedicated in sense that the installed server is used for a specific type of use like web hosting, database servers, media servers.
Even though we can make our simple desktop computer as the server it is not at all appreciable. Servers are dedicated to work 24/7 manner. It is not possible with home based servers.