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Saturday, 16 April 2011
Common Utilities Provided By Dedicated Web Service Providers
Topic: Hosting

At a certain point shared hosting features are unable to deliver that level of services which a large corporate business websites necessitates. These further needs led the business web hosting industry towards the Cheap Dedicated Servers hosting in which an entire server machine is devoted for a website. While there are many ways to get your website online, hosting it on a managed, dedicated server has some distinct advantages that aren’t usually possible with cheaper shared hosting accounts.

There are many different types of software available, like send Optimizer and Ion cube, which make services like PHP function better and faster. With a managed dedicated server, you can choose which to install whereas with shared hosting accounts, you often don’t have that option, if you can use them at all.

Server management is a complex task that should only be done by knowledgeable professionals. Server security alone is a good reason to have a managed account, because many different server settings impact how secure the system is to threats, and professional hosting providers have experience in mitigating these types of attacks.

When you pay for server management, you’re essentially hiring a team of experts to help you with all of the complex tasks involving the server.

Typically, shared hosting providers offer poor support because they are dealing with many more customers who are not paying as much for their services. On top of that, they try to cram as many websites as possible onto a server so that they can make the most profit.

Shared servers also typically have strict rules in place regarding what you can and can’t do with the account. There is good reason for this since they want to avoid security problems like those mentioned above, but often times those rules can conflict with a script you want to run or service your website needs in order to run.

Most shared hosting providers are not flexible with regards to their system policies; which mean that you could be forced to upgrade if you run into a conflict, and upgrading could mean moving your entire website.

The advantage to having your own dedicated server is that you know exactly which websites are hosted on it, how much traffic they get, and how much of your server’s resources they use. Typically, managed dedicated servers can handle large traffic spikes with ease because their resources are not being pushed to the limit by server overcrowding. If you have a dedicated server, be sure to talk with your host about how much of your services resources are being used and be aware of when you should upgrade as traffic grows. Linux Dedicated Servers, Windows Dedicated Servers

Posted by dedicated-server at 3:08 AM EDT
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Friday, 8 April 2011
Dedicated Servers Are Web Servers Surrounded By A Series Of Network Computers
Topic: Hosting

You have all the rights to disagree but for some of us, servers are still those people who wait on us in restaurants. Take my mother for example. While the usage of computers and internet has soared like a mammoth revolution especially during the last decade, web hosting is still an area people are yet not comfortable with.

Think of it this way, every website needs a home. A server provides that home to websites. A website can either have the whole house – the server- to itself, or it can share it with others. That is where the concept of dedicated vs. shared servers comes in. There are many companies out there that provide hosting services for websites on both types of servers. These companies are called web hosting companies.

Dedicated servers are web servers surrounded by a series of network computers. What do these network computers do? They provide dedicated support via the server to only one customer as against a shared server, which caters to more than one customer. Dedicated servers are mostly used by large corporations owning various companies or business across the country or the globe. They are used by customers who need a high level of customization and want to install their own hardware and software on the server. If the clients need, they can also set up multiple domain names on the same server. This is a common practice by assigning different domain IDs to a large company’s business in different countries. Shared servers are not capable of providing these types of support. Whereas most dedicated server are built to accommodate high customization and the intricacies of installing external software. With a dedicated server, you can be assured to get efficient assistance from your web hosting company, if you have chosen the right one.

However, along with all these benefits, there can also be some down sides to using dedicated servers. The main one is the cost. Dedicated web hosting usually comes at a high price since the customers are in need of high website personalization as well as requiring the flexibility of using their own software/hardware. This does not only make it expensive to incorporate this flexibility but the web hosting company also needs to invest more into providing complete technical knowledge to their client servicing team to assist the clients better. All of this makes the cost go up. Yet there are also a large number of cheap dedicated servers available in the market.

Another problem could be if your server does not allow as much flexibility as you would like. There are servers which prohibit access into their operating system, thus no application configurations can be changed. But on the other hand, this same feature may also act as a filter for hackers or spammers and stop them from ruining your website.

If you are planning to invest in a dedicated server for your business, take your time to find the web hosting that suits you best in terms of cost as well as flexibility. Windows Dedicated Servers, Virtual Private Server Hosting

Posted by dedicated-server at 4:17 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 5 April 2011
Benefits Of A Dedicated Server
Topic: Hosting

So what is it that makes the Linux dedicated servers tick? Even though Linux is an operating system that has only been in the market for a shorter time as compared to its counterparts, it has constantly gained ground in the market and today, even the critics agree, though grudgingly that the Linux operating system is the best operating system to run on.

There are many benefits that you are going to find with Linux dedicated servers and the other servers in the market, they have certainly come a long way and in any case, you will really get value for your money. When all things are considered, the Linux server emerges top as the most cost effective because it does not require you to pay any license fees to run it as opposed to other servers. This makes it far cheaper and more affordable as compared to other servers in the market. Good thing is that this rules stay put even when new software is introduced into the market. For other operating systems, there are license fees that you must pay in order to install a new system

Linux servers are good in that they are secure and safe. Once you get your web hosted on one, you know that it is safe and secure and you also know that it is the best where you are not going to be frustrated by constant breakages and crashing. Other operating systems servers will always want a rebooting when you install or upload a new software but not Linux. This one will stay for a long time without needing a reboot.

Linux dedicated servers are easy to work with and they is user friendly as well.

The good thing is that there is always a team of experts who are backing you to ensure that you get everything right every step of the way. Combined with the fact that you are going to have all the use of the Linux server to yourself, you will enjoy one great benefit after another. There is a lot of privacy, a lot of reliability and a lot of flexibility in using the Linux dedicated servers. Months on end, you are going to have your web hosting running safely without any need for maintenance at all.

Linux dedicated servers run for a longer time than all the others in the market. This means that they have the longest lifespan and considering that they hardly require rebooting, it can well be believed that they can really last a long time. The running time estimation for the Linux dedicated software is based on the popular servers or servers that run on coded software.

As opposed to what many people think, the fact is that the Linux server is able to communicate with quite a number of other operating systems and therefore it can be connected to many other running platforms to form a network where many related business activities can really take place. Forget about running ghost server’s because those also crash especially if they are built on the same backbone as your common server. The solution is to get one of the Linux dedicated servers and secure your business with it. Virtual Private Server Hosting, Cheap Dedicated Servers

Posted by dedicated-server at 3:54 AM EDT
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Sunday, 3 April 2011
Why Go For A Dedicated Server?
Topic: Hosting

This might sound very simple, difficult, an ambiguous or a funny question. However, whatever the case, this a very common phrase that you will always find on the internet or in the information technology platform. A dedicated server or host as many might refer to it is a type of net hosting where you can easily hire out your entire server. Dedicated means that it’s all yours, nobody else is sharing or using it. In this case you will have an advantage of hosting only your websites. You have all the freedom in this kind of arrangement. There is no one to bother you over what you want to have control of because it’s all yours. You have all the power to control various devices such as printers or scanners, hardware and even the operating software.

Many times people wonder why the need to have dedicated server. However, your website or websites can be able to display a list of statistics or information that might help you to see the need of upgrading your server and having it dedicated. Some of the information or data that my pose the need for dedicated server is:-

  • When your website drags or most of the times takes too long to load or open.
  • When there is a lot of website traffic or congestion.
  • When there is a lot of delay on downloading files, programs or even pictures.
  • When the browser keeps on displaying suggestion for updates.
  • Anytime you point any of the above signs then know there is need for having dedicated server.

Merits of a dedicated server

Dedicated is a key aspect or element in anything you need to do. Of course its not the only thing one needs for a successful life but is of great importance in the current generation and so is dedicated server in the internet world. There are number of merits that one sights as long as using dedicated server is concerned. Having mentioned a number of them else we of course have the major merits as follows:

  • Control power – this means that you have control on what you want or you don’t to use in your website.
  • Limited access to other – this means nobody else apart from you can have access to your server.
  • You can fully utilize the use of your dedicated server without any questions or regulations.
  • You can choose your dedicated server administrator; whether yourself or the company providing you the hosting service.
  • You have an advantage of flexibility of resources – i.e. the printers, scanners, other hardware and software etc

Nonetheless, the merits are as many as you may think depending on your understanding level while in the internet. There is great need to get more information in the area you are trending so that you can make maximum use of the service. More advantages of dedicated servers can be easily located from different sites online. For the best one place log on and engage the search engine to do the job for you.

Posted by dedicated-server at 1:06 AM EDT
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Friday, 1 April 2011
Offshore Dedicated Servers
Topic: Hosting

Building a web presence these days is as easy as it gets. There are various options for the way you want your online presence (e.g. official websites, blogs, e-Newsletters etc), how you want to develop your chosen online platform (self design or professional help), how you want it to generate revenue (online ads) and finally where you want to host it. Like the earlier points, web hosting also offers a number of options today. If you are a small business with limited revenue, you should choose a shared server. If you are a relatively larger company, you may need to go with the option of a dedicated server. Dedicated servers can be widely categorized as being mainstream servers and offshore servers. Whereas mainstream web hosting is also provided by the likes of Microsoft etc, offshore web hosting services are mostly anonymous.

When you acquire web hosting services from a remote provider, it is termed as offshore web hosting. Offshore dedicated servers have gradually turned into a big phenomenon throughout the world. These servers are usually opted for by small and medium sized businesses that have a need for greater security for their websites and which mainland dedicated servers are incapable of offering.

There are many types of business that opt for an offshore dedicated server including those dealing with electronic money and investment funds with high yields. Sometimes freedom of expression also calls for offline dedicated server hosting, for example websites with mainly political content. Most of these services offer anonymous hosting packages to their clients. However, both offshore shared and virtual (VPS) servers offer much less stability and reliability than their mainland counterparts. The reason is mostly the very nature of the websites hosted on them. Then there could be scams abusing the offshore dedicated servers or a DDOS attack initiated by their competitors or a third party affected by the hosted websites. When an offshore dedicated server offers hosting with a dedicated IP, it might prove to be a better option.

A virtual dedicated server provides users great control on their server setting. This comes in really handy when handling a challenging application program or a difficult development task. It is also a great support with it comes to managing huge online traffic. It is a great way to getting the flexibility and dynamism of a dedicated server at a cheaper price. However, it should not be taken for granted that all virtual servers are equally good. You must first identify your web hosting requirements and then weigh your options.

An offshore dedicated server can be the best option available. With a flourishing business generating consistent high revenue with high traffic, make sure you do not use a shared server or VPS. This will be a risk for you with the probable downtime it may experience or the slow speed of the connection.

Before making a decision about selecting a server and a service provider, be sure you have gone through all available information and have considered the pros and cons in detail. Windows Dedicated Servers, Virtual Private Server Hosting.

Posted by dedicated-server at 2:08 AM EDT
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Saturday, 26 March 2011
Web Hosting Service For Dedicated Server
Topic: Hosting

Dedicated servers are required by many businesses and the owners always look for the best kind of service in the niche of these servers. The numbers of hosting companies are increasing and to find the best company for dedicated hosting, you can refer to blogs, message communities and forums to select the best one for your requirements. The best companies will provide a user friendly approach for management of server and would reply you with all your queries. When it comes to the case of dedicated server, you can not simply trust anyone and it will be a main requirement to be sure that you trust someone reliable. Your website’s major stats are dependent on the web host.

You need to determine well the kind of dedicated servers required by your website or set of websites. Dedicated hosting requires full control over resources and server and it has to be managed completely by the web master. However, the hosting company is responsible for upgrades, support and operations part. It is not easy to manage a server completely by your own. If you are hiring a dedicated server from a web hosting company, they will at least be responsible for it in some or the other way. In the other case, you will have to completely get responsible for the server, if you are purchasing it.

You should not go only for low cost and it is quite important to choose the company offering trusted services. Dedicated servers require excellence in work and adequate resources. Virtual Private Server hosting is a substitute for dedicated hosting and it provides the same feel of dedicated services. There are many mid sized and even large companies opting for VPS hosting and its trend is increasing mostly amongst the people who can not afford their dedicated servers.

It is important to check the bandwidth provided by your web host for the dedicated server or virtual private server hosting. You need to check the other resources like disk space before making a final decision for the web host. It is important to put forward your current and future requirements before selecting any hosting plan. Your web host should provide 24/7 assistance because you might get any problem and any issue should not halt the processing of any application of the website. With an adequate client support, it will be easy to manage the services for the whole day. It will not be possible for you to get immediate support with a fully owned dedicated server. It is advisable to choose these servers and support of company in affordable cost.

Cost is an ultimate factor. Virtual Private Server hosting is best suited for the companies having less budget for hosting, but requiring personalized view of hosting without having interference with any website. Overall, it depends on different websites to adapt for the right hosting plan. Be smart enough to choose a right company for hosting and get assured that you are gaining all the aspects you require for your websites. Cheap Dedicated Servers.

Posted by dedicated-server at 5:17 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 15 March 2011
A Dedicated Server Can Be Assigned To Function Only As A Resource Server
Topic: Hosting

A server is defined as a combination of hardware and software programs and applications developed to fulfill the client requests. A client is something that acquires the services from a server. Internet Dedicated Servers that performs two functions

·         To be capable for accepting the HTTP requests arriving from clients (normally webpage requests)

·         Should be able to perform the above task in a convenient way.

As the internet usage is growing exponentially and the world is turning into a Global Village parallel with this cheap web hosting is flourishing and becoming the fastest growing industry of the current time. Thousands of websites are being managed and developed. As the website visitors increase there is a demand of more web space and bandwidth.

As the website requirements increased, the web hosting industry started introducing more sophisticated software and hardware solutions for such kind of websites. About a decade back only simple cheap web hosting service was available with very limited storage and site transfer at high cost. But with the passage of time the performance turn out to be batter and price decreased to a great extent.

Dedicated hosting is a type of internet hosting in which a customer lets out a complete web server that is not shared with someone other. The client possesses full control over the server and can utilize all the available resources according to the website requirements. Once a business organization gets control over the dedicated server, it can install desired applications, operating system, hardware and many other additional features for ease of work. Dedicated servers are usually accommodated in data centers and the web hosting company provides the server maintenance as an additional service. However, the server hardware is owned by the service provider and the clients just need to pay monthly or yearly charges for the server.

Numerous companies are there in perspective offering dedicated web hosting services with different specifications like bandwidth, storage space, security mechanisms and software support. Businesses such as broad casting companies, publishing companies, online banks, complex databases, ecommerce solution providers and software development organizations require such high performance dedicated hosting services.

A dedicated server includes an operating system (mostly some variants of Linux or Windows) a web server, related software (such as a SQL server, Control Panel and much more) and connection to the Internet, all housed in the web hosting company's data centers. Dedicated server hosting is typically required for a web site or a group of related company sites that develop a substantial amount of traffic. The server can usually be configured and operated remotely from the host company while still allowing for client customization. A dedicated server can be assigned to function only as a resource server and cannot be used as a client. It is important to note that the server is owned by the web server service provider and you do not have physical access to it. Windows Dedicated Servers, Virtual Private Server Hosting

Posted by dedicated-server at 3:17 AM EDT
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A Dedicated Server Can Be Assigned To Function Only As A Resource Server
Topic: Hosting

A server is defined as a combination of hardware and software programs and applications developed to fulfill the client requests. A client is something that acquires the services from a server. Internet Dedicated Servers that performs two functions

·         To be capable for accepting the HTTP requests arriving from clients (normally webpage requests)

·         Should be able to perform the above task in a convenient way.

As the internet usage is growing exponentially and the world is turning into a Global Village parallel with this cheap web hosting is flourishing and becoming the fastest growing industry of the current time. Thousands of websites are being managed and developed. As the website visitors increase there is a demand of more web space and bandwidth.

As the website requirements increased, the web hosting industry started introducing more sophisticated software and hardware solutions for such kind of websites. About a decade back only simple cheap web hosting service was available with very limited storage and site transfer at high cost. But with the passage of time the performance turn out to be batter and price decreased to a great extent.

Dedicated hosting is a type of internet hosting in which a customer lets out a complete web server that is not shared with someone other. The client possesses full control over the server and can utilize all the available resources according to the website requirements. Once a business organization gets control over the dedicated server, it can install desired applications, operating system, hardware and many other additional features for ease of work. Dedicated servers are usually accommodated in data centers and the web hosting company provides the server maintenance as an additional service. However, the server hardware is owned by the service provider and the clients just need to pay monthly or yearly charges for the server.

Numerous companies are there in perspective offering dedicated web hosting services with different specifications like bandwidth, storage space, security mechanisms and software support. Businesses such as broad casting companies, publishing companies, online banks, complex databases, ecommerce solution providers and software development organizations require such high performance dedicated hosting services.

A dedicated server includes an operating system (mostly some variants of Linux or Windows) a web server, related software (such as a SQL server, Control Panel and much more) and connection to the Internet, all housed in the web hosting company's data centers. Dedicated server hosting is typically required for a web site or a group of related company sites that develop a substantial amount of traffic. The server can usually be configured and operated remotely from the host company while still allowing for client customization. A dedicated server can be assigned to function only as a resource server and cannot be used as a client. It is important to note that the server is owned by the web server service provider and you do not have physical access to it. Windows Dedicated Servers, Virtual Private Server Hosting

Posted by dedicated-server at 3:17 AM EDT
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Friday, 11 March 2011
Benefits Of Linux Dedicated Servers
Topic: Hosting

While we’ll discuss the advantages of Linux dedicated serves vs. Windows in another article, here will just contemplate the benefits alone of Linux dedicated services for virtual private server hosting. Linux is a widely user operating systems and can be easily be installed in hardware, computers, tablets. Here are the advantages when user with dedicated servers.

Low cost usage

Virtual private server hosting on the part on many companies requires cost analysis. Did you know Linux cuts down hosting costs? It is an open source which is used by many companies to host cheap and use easily. Linux dedicated servers have found high acceptance over time and are quite often purchased.

With a server you would not want to switch to another brand always. Linux being cost effective and performance wise very good, is a good cheap long term decision.

Possible conversion

If you thought converting website to Windows was tough and hence, did not feel the need for Linux dedicated servers, you probably did not know better.  Linux allows the same and also being cheap, it is easily tried by many technicians.


Expanding with Linux is not a problem. It easily allows to add more servers which talk about it scalability feature and also works must better than other Operating Systems. Some in the industry do insist on making comparisons with Windows OS, but Linux being cheap become not only lucrative but has that as an unique selling point along with performance.

Another customer support aspect is Linux is that you can call for help immediately and explain your problems right away. 

Database support & Scripts

One up on Windows in that it does not allow scripting in languages. Linux is premium to you if you want to use SQOL or other scripting languages for your website.

If you need database maintenance as well, MSQL, MySWL can be used to provide separate regional database which is characterized as database administration on it part.

Control and security

One of the reasons why companies and organizations use Linux dedicated servers for virtual private server hosting is because they have superb control over the web host. Not only this, Linux servers are long running and perform exceptionally well when it comes to virtual private server hosting. Individual control on content and navigation make most private users accept it.

You website any day is secure with Linux as it also manages anti spyware and malware and also restricted use to the websites helps along with firewall services available. Any other small problems can be solved by the provider.


Easy to connect to its provider is also one of the advantages on virtual private server hosting with Linux.

Along the point you must have seen cost plays a big role when it comes to Linux. Hence, we underlines it is quite the unique selling point when dedicated servers spell money right away. Having said that, Linux servers may have just come in to the market but for the short span of time, they have proved their performance and acceptability right away. Cheap Dedicated Servers, Dedicated Servers

Posted by dedicated-server at 12:15 AM EST
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Tuesday, 8 March 2011
Dedicated Server Permits To Execute More Software
Topic: Hosting

The only demerit to having a dedicated server is the cost involved. If your website is profitable though, you can end up saving money by hosting on a managed server, because they typically have much less downtime. Downtime can really get expensive when you're running costly ad campaigns that deliver traffic to a dead website.

If the user is pretty much interested in the features like security, being the only business on the server, getting rid of possible server problems, and is having a budget that includes a considerable monthly fee, then what is going to be a good suggestion for him/her? The answer is: having his/her own dedicated server. Even though if a user is having a smaller site, along with less traffic, as well as a low budget, one should stay until his/her budget flourish along with website to use a dedicated server. One should think about the aspects regarding advantages and disadvantages of Dedicated Server Hosting.

Another benefit of having a Cheap Dedicated Servers is that, you do not have to worry about the space. As there is not going to be any other user to take the advantage of the space, so one can easily install and use the information and software that is desired or required.

Dedicated server is one of the useful conception for hosting the ecommerce and large websites. Nearly all the hosting companies create their accounts on the specific shared server. A single hard drive and memory device may be used for hosting n number of websites and the bandwidth also may be divided among the sites. It is always suggested to arrange a single hard drive for storing your single site data. You must get the promoted bandwidth and the security with best. A dedicated server maybe defined as the single server for storing a single website and no other sites will be hosted in that machine.

Dedicated server permits to execute more software and features in different purposes. They are easier to control, operate and maintain. There are also some disadvantages of dedicated server. Dedicated server is pretty much expensive and space becomes unused sometimes. For a single website, you have to keep one administrator and a single server. Though it sounds to be pretty much expensive but it also has lot of advantages.

Windows Dedicated Servers are mainly categorized into two categories; managed and unmanaged. Usually, web server activities are monitored by the web hosting server providing company referred as managed hosting. On the other hand the dedicated hosting server clients have to take care of the server themselves which is named as unmanaged hosting service. For server management highly qualified and experienced staff is required which is a great burden on the company leasing a web server. Thus it’s recommend to go for managed web hosting server instead of unmanaged service to avoid additional complexity. Dedicated Servers, Dedicated Server

Posted by dedicated-server at 2:33 AM EST
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