Topic: Hosting
A server is defined as a combination of hardware and software programs and applications developed to fulfill the client requests. A client is something that acquires the services from a server. Internet Dedicated Servers that performs two functions
· To be capable for accepting the HTTP requests arriving from clients (normally webpage requests)
· Should be able to perform the above task in a convenient way.
As the internet usage is growing exponentially and the world is turning into a Global Village parallel with this cheap web hosting is flourishing and becoming the fastest growing industry of the current time. Thousands of websites are being managed and developed. As the website visitors increase there is a demand of more web space and bandwidth.
As the website requirements increased, the web hosting industry started introducing more sophisticated software and hardware solutions for such kind of websites. About a decade back only simple cheap web hosting service was available with very limited storage and site transfer at high cost. But with the passage of time the performance turn out to be batter and price decreased to a great extent.
Dedicated hosting is a type of internet hosting in which a customer lets out a complete web server that is not shared with someone other. The client possesses full control over the server and can utilize all the available resources according to the website requirements. Once a business organization gets control over the dedicated server, it can install desired applications, operating system, hardware and many other additional features for ease of work. Dedicated servers are usually accommodated in data centers and the web hosting company provides the server maintenance as an additional service. However, the server hardware is owned by the service provider and the clients just need to pay monthly or yearly charges for the server.
Numerous companies are there in perspective offering dedicated web hosting services with different specifications like bandwidth, storage space, security mechanisms and software support. Businesses such as broad casting companies, publishing companies, online banks, complex databases, ecommerce solution providers and software development organizations require such high performance dedicated hosting services.
A dedicated server includes an operating system (mostly some variants of Linux or Windows) a web server, related software (such as a SQL server, Control Panel and much more) and connection to the Internet, all housed in the web hosting company's data centers. Dedicated server hosting is typically required for a web site or a group of related company sites that develop a substantial amount of traffic. The server can usually be configured and operated remotely from the host company while still allowing for client customization. A dedicated server can be assigned to function only as a resource server and cannot be used as a client. It is important to note that the server is owned by the web server service provider and you do not have physical access to it. Windows Dedicated Servers, Virtual Private Server Hosting